Welcome Back From Mrs. Tiernan

Date: 6th Sep 2016 @ 3:10pm

I hope that those of you: pupils, parents/carers, family members and staff who had a summer holiday, enjoyed a great one. The weather has been hot and humid; wet and windy. Typical Widnes weather! The sun shone on the teaching and support staff as they began the school year with an exciting INSET day working together to solve problems. Just an average day of Singapore maths!

The year has started very well with a real energy and buzz around the school. Our pupils look excellent and we thank you, as always, for your unfailing support. Unfortunately there has been a delay on the pupils’ diaries. They have been completely redesigned and the printing company have encountered last minute glitches. We hope the diaries will be with you soon.

Year 3, all 78 of them, have settled in brilliantly and already have made an excellent impression on all who have met them. They have had their first day which went swimmingly, however your son/daughter may still respond to the question: ‘What have you done?’ with the answer: ’Nothing’. Rest assured our pupils will be bringing home their ‘Sharing Learning’ book soon so you can see for yourselves what they do actually do in school. Remember: this book is not ‘best work’ but is instead a snapshot of a day’s work.

We really hope that you like the new website and we value your feedback so please feel free to get in touch to let us know what you think. Mrs. Kaye will be updating the website with learning experiences each week, whilst Mrs. Ryan and I will ensure all relevant documentation is available for you readily.

I will endeavour to update my blog once a month so if your son/daughter has any stories of success, please sends them to me and I will make sure they are celebrated.

With thanks Mrs. Tiernan

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